ustainable businesses aim to prevent the exhaustion of natural or physical resources, to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. Put simply, it’s about managing People, Planet and Profit. Businesses that value results and impact in these three KPIs equally follow a ‘triple bottom line’.

Here at OrangeDoor we, and our clients, value the future and are dedicated to doing our bit to ensure the long-term viability of People, Planet and Profit.
We manage our client events in such a way that minimises the environmental impact through careful consideration of travel coordination, catering, accommodation, and communication channels (to name a few!). We also review all potential suppliers’ environmental and sustainability policies before selecting our supply chain partners. It’s important for us to align with organisations who match our own company values.
A notable example of our efforts to produce sustainable event is the recent event we ran for PPRO, one of our newer clients. The production and creative teams specifically sourced recyclable materials to limit carbon emissions. Every piece of service ware was reusable, while drinks were served in glass bottles which we were able to recycle after the event. Overall, the total carbon footprint of the event was equivalent to 0.8 cars on the road for a year. To offset the carbon emissions, we can plant around 8 trees to become carbon neutral within 10 years.
0.8 cars on the road for a year may sound a lot but this was a low-impact event and the important thing is that we are building our awareness, measuring and reacting to improve our practices event-by-event. We are now at a stage where we are able to identify how to become carbon neutral for everything we do. This is a game-changer.
Sustainability is also paramount when selecting a venue for internal OrangeDoor events. That’s why we selected South Lodge, a B Corp company, to host our 2022 staff offsite. The event delivered on experience without compromising our shared company values.

Our sustainability efforts don’t stop there. We’ve been looking into how OrangeDoor employees travel to work (and how often) to outline the individual impact their journey makes. Our report breaks down and compares the impact of driving diesel or petrol vehicles, travelling by public transport and car-pooling with others who live locally. We hope these insights will help our team to make informed and sustainable decisions on how to travel to work in future. Again – without measurement and a place to start from we won’t know how to improve.
Post pandemic, we’ve made reductions in our collective carbon impact emissions due to our hybrid working model. Before COVID-19 employee travel equated to 0.9 cars on the road per year but as of June 2022 it has reduced to just 0.5 cars per year. In efforts to maintain reduced carbon emissions amongst other factors, OrangeDoor is adopting hybrid working indefinitely. Our next studies are looking at the impact of our people working from home and how we can support with sustainability initiatives and rising fuel costs.
We’re making steps to embed sustainability into our OrangeDoor core but we’re only at the beginning of our journey. Our next goal is to continuously measure the impact of OrangeDoor events and implement a carbon offsetting procedure to ensure our client needs are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own.